Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Healing Life Force

Energy Flow & Body Building vs Energy Blockage

The most powerful massage energy work uses acupressure for enabling the energy to flow easily. Acupressure points have a high electrical conductivity at the surface of the skin and thus conduct the body’s energy most effectively. Learn how to apply the same points and principles as acupuncture –using the power and sensitivity of the human hand instead of needles. Learn to relieve a range of emotional complaints and common ailments such as depression, anxiety, headaches, backache, insomnia, nausea, carpel tunnel, and many more.

Acupressure is an ancient healing art developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. Using the power and sensitivity of the hand, acupressure is effective in the relief of stress-related ailments, self-treatment and preventive health care. Acupressure releases tension, increases circulation, reduces pain, and develops vibrant health. For more information, see Michael Reed Gach’s book, Acupressure’s Potent Points: A Self-Care Guide for Common Complaints from A to Z.

Universal Healing Energy: The Chinese call healing energy – Qi. In Japan, the life force is termed Ki, while Yoga practices refer to the body’s life force as prana or pranic energy. These terms all relate to the same universal healing energy, which exists in our environment, and links us to all forms of life. Energy blockage, on the other hand, can be traced to the root of all problems, imbalances, and diseases.

Healing Energy – Source of the Life: The flow of human energy nourishes every system of our body and gives us the ability to concentrate; its the basis of creativity and healing. The body’s life force moves in invisible currents and healing pathways through all matter. This energy flow connects everything; its the primordial force of nature that creates mountains, governs the ocean currents, flow of rivers, and weather patterns. The life force gives trees their uprightness and their diversity in branching toward the sky. The movement of the life force can be seen in molecules, elements, the landscape, and within the human body this life force circulates through human energy channels called meridians.

Body Energy & the Life Force: Within all living animals are meridian energy pathways. These life force channels govern the functions of all systems of the human body. The way human energy flows through the meridians presides over wellness or dis-ease imbalances. For instance, an energy blockage in the meridians can cause numbness, pressure, spasm, and many kinds of aches and pains. Thus, when a meridian blockage occurs, the inhibited energy flow can result in all kinds of human suffering. However, when the life force flows through the meridians in a balanced way, various forms of happiness can result.

Healing Energy Factors Affecting the Human Body: Our energy flow reflects our state of mind, how we feel, how we think, and breathe. Conversely, negative thoughts can block the meridians from flowing, just as positive thoughts can build healing energy. An energy blockage effects our stress, the way we eat food, and how it gets digested. Sleep patterns and disorders are also a result of how the meridians flow. Energy blockage can result from stress, trauma and injuries. In extreme ernergy imbalances – mental, emotional or physical problems may occur.

Healing Energy of Traditional Chinese Medicine is based upon the interplay of two polar opposites, creating a vibratory movement and energy flow. These polar life energy forces, referred to as yin and yang, follow natural laws fundamental for all martial art and healing art principles.

The Life Force in Martial Arts & Healing Arts: The foundation of the Asian Martial Arts and the healing arts focuses on how energy flows. Both Martial Arts and the Healing Arts channel and build healing energy for strengthening and enhancing their practices. Martial Artists use the life force for self-dense, physical power, and other ways of moving the life force externally. The healing arts channel the life force for healing purposes internally. Both practices benefit from the cultivation of this healing energy – through exercise, diet, and creative, positive visualizations. Once a Martial Artist masters how to use the life force for self-defense, a skilled warrior will also learn how to use this human energy to heal an opponent.

Cultivating Healing Energy: Building human energy, developing its healing potential, and strengthening the flow of the life force has been high priorities in the Chinese culture since ancient times. Qi Gong uses special internal healing exercises and meditations for building healing energy, cultivating the life force and channeling it throughout the body. By strengthening the life force within your body -- through Martial Art exercises, you can use the heightened life force for healing yourself and others.

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