Healing Touch therapy is a noninvasive complementary method of treatment that uses light touch with the hands to move the energy flow within the body. Unlike massage, Healing Touch often does not touch the body but uses energy and only light touch to improve health and balance.
Healing Touch manipulates energy fields around the body and supports the body's ability to heal with the goal of increasing a sense of well-being. Healing Touch is a nursing intervention, and was actually pioneered by nurse Janet Meutgen. It combines energy and touch to minister to the energy system that can be disrupted by illness, disease, stress, and surgery.
Healing Touch interventions have been found to have a profound effect on the relaxation response and enhance mood. Many nurses use Healing Touch in the health care setting to help reduce pain and anxiety, assist in wound healing, reduce side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, and normalize blood pressure. Healing Touch involves electromagnetic energy fields, the life flow, chi, and the energy around the body known as the aura. There has been some research on the therapeutic effects of Healing Touch in managing cancer treatment side effects, such as nausea and fatigue. Most studies look at a patient's perceptions of their feelings of well-being before and after treatment and the procedure's effect on the immune system. Although the beneficial results of Healing Touch are not fully understood, there are studies underway to measure its effects on energy,
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